Selling goods or services online can be an easy way to make some extra money. Maybe you have old clothes, collectors’ items, or furniture that you would like to get rid of. Or maybe you have a skill, like crafting or web design, that you can use to make physical or digital products. If this is the case, there are many online marketplaces where you can make sales. You may even want to set up an online business making sales online.
Selling Online

Selling online can be a great way to make extra money from items that you already have or a hobby that you enjoy. But it can be more time consuming than you might expect. You should also make sure that you are selling on a reputable site with good security and fraud practices. Read reviews of each online marketplace to see if other sellers recommend them.
Selling used goods
If you’re looking to sell items that you no longer need, first make sure that the items are in good condition. Next, decide if you want to focus on your local area or if you are willing to ship the item. For larger items that are difficult to ship, like furniture, you may need to focus on your local area. In this case, a location-based marketplace might be the way to go: you can stipulate that the buyer will have to pick up the item from you and how you would like the buyer to pay. You can also write a description of the item pointing out its best qualities and letting potential customers know of any issues it might have.
If you don’t mind shipping an item, you can also list it on non-location-based marketplaces. Whichever marketplace you choose, follow the instructions to set up an account and be sure to take high-quality pictures of your items from multiple angles so that potential buyers know what they are getting. To price your item, consider how much you paid for it originally, how much wear it has and the price of similar items on the same marketplace. Be aware that the marketplace will probably take a cut of the proceeds from the sale. The marketplace will typically be responsible for receiving payment from the buyer and dispensing funds to you.
Selling new goods
If you’re selling a new item, perhaps something that you made or refurbished, you can use many of the marketplaces listed above. You can also sell on craft marketplaces. Be sure to describe your item in detail, including information like its dimensions, colors, sizing and expected ship time. Keep the descriptions concise, but be sure to outline all of the product’s features and benefits.
Selling your services
If you have a skill that you would like to offer as a service online, there are many talent marketplaces that you can use. There may also be other marketplaces that are more specific to the service that you plan to offer. Create a profile that describes your experience, listing any relevant projects you have done in the past and testimonials from people you’ve worked with. Ratings can be very important on talent marketplaces, so make sure to provide a great experience for all of your customers and ask them to give you a rating. Be clear about when you will be available and how long it will take you to complete tasks.